Friday, July 15, 2011

Almost Halfway...Mario 64

Stars: 55

The more I play this game, the more I enjoy it. There was a moment last night while playing when I found myself completely captured by its magic. I was wrapped up in a warm ball of nostalgic gaming bliss, and believe it or not, it was in a water level.

With certain older games, I sometimes try to imagine myself playing them immediately after opening them on Christmas morning. The joy of discovering something so well designed and to know that it was yours and you had the entire rest of Christmas break to enjoy it. Putting myself in that mindset will often completely change my opinion on a game. And that's just what happened last night while playing the Dire Dire Docks level, and I think a lot of it had to do with this music:

Even if you've never played the game, the feeling that music produces is wholly unique. Looking over the comments on this video, it's obvious many people feel the same way:

Wow. I remember I had a dream when I was about 10, after I had played this for the first time. That night I was swimming in a dream, and this music was there. I was a child, innocent.
Its very amazing how just hearing this has unlocked a piece of my childhood long forgotten and tucked away.
Being human is amazing, and so is this song and the feelings it produces.

ahh Mario 64 and Zelda OOT. Getting both on Christmas morning - such fond memoirs of these games. I miss games like this, they had a...magic to them.

Spot on, both of you.

Yes, the game is still frustrating at times with wonky camera angles and slippery controls (and that mother effing giant snowman level where he blows your hat off!) but there is an indescribable magic that I can now freely admit is absent from Mario Galaxy and other modern games. Maybe that's why this kid was so excited.


  1. BTW: I found our: I mean YOUR blog thru this thread hoping to find other people who liked SM64 a lot and sadly many were turned off.

    It turned into an argument thread where posters only focused on snippets of posts to make users look bad for liking this game when they said that both SM64 and Galaxy stood in their own rights but had completly different goals.

    I almost feel like I just wrote your ENTIRE post on your Mario 64 section above about re-creating what the game felt like to be new.

    I wish I had got it back in 1998 but I was playing *Logical Journey of The Zoombinis* which is fun in it's own right without you realizing you are learning actual critical skills:

    I also saw a little bit of the video with the kid screaming "NINTENDO SIIIIIIIITY FOOOOOOOOOOOUR!!" That's pretty much how I felt even though I got mine late.


  2. I added your blog to my favorites.

    BTW: My real name is Kyle.

  3. Hi Kyle, thanks for the comment!

  4. Wow that music is good. IT's true, I haven't played for years, and I remember the experience of swimming through the cavern and heading up to the surface. And a lot of it was the music.
