Friday, November 30, 2012

Up Next: Enslaved

Chances are you haven't heard of this one. It came out in 2010 from developer Ninja Theory, the team behind PS3 launch title, Heavenly Sword. Enslaved is possibly one of the biggest hidden gems of this generation. It got virtually no press or marketing, yet it has all the trappings of a AAA release. Excellent voice acting, beautiful visuals, tight controls and a really interesting story. I'm a couple hours in and enjoying the hell out of it.

It's basically the climbing mechanics from Uncharted mixed with melee combat in a post-post apocolyptic America. It's awesome, and I got it for $8. If you see it in the bargain bin, it's definitely worth it.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Review: Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 4 was revolutionary. It was one of the best games of the last generation and it spawned an entirely new genre of games - the 'over-the-shoulder' third person shooter. It was creative, it was extremely well designed - heck, it was even really freaking scary at some points. Resident Evil 5 is none of these things.

Kinda Finished: Resident Evil 5

Completion Time: About 10 hours.

So here's what happened: I blasted through all my ammo on the last level, like an IDIOT. So now I'm on the last boss and don't have enough bullets to take him down. I literally need, like, ten more bullets, but the truth is - I don't got em. Yes, I could start the insanely long and difficult last chapter again, but honestly I don't feel like it. So I'm calling it. I'm done. Review coming shortly.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What is the Wii U, and Why Should You Care?

The Wii U is launching this Sunday (as in tomorrow). If you didn't know that, chances you have no idea what the Wii U is. Welp, Wii U essentially Wii 2. It's an all new console with new games and a new controller. Nintendo is pretty terrible at marketing this thing, so I figured I'd provide a quick rundown.

What is It?
 The Wii U is to the the Wii as PS3 is to PS2. It's an entirely new console.

How Many Dollars?
It costs $300 for the base model, or $350 for the console, game and additional accessories

When May I Purchase it?
Sunday, November 18

What's Cool About it?
It comes with a controller that has a big touchscreen in the middle.

That touchscreen controller is where Nintendo is hanging it's hat for this system. It allows for many unique things from a gameplay perspective. The most talked about feature though is the ability to play games on the controller while someone else watches the TV to which the Wii U is connected.

What Games Can I Get for It?
The three biggest games available for the Wii U on Sunday will be the following:

New Super Mario Bros U

Comes with the $350 model


Should I Get It?
My opinion would be to wait. At this point, if you want one for Christmas, you'll be doing some camping. None of the games available at launch are compelling enough to warrant a purchase right now. I'm sure some sweet games are on their way, but until then, and maybe a price cut, I'll be holding off.

Plus - I got a backlog to finish!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Up Next: Resident Evil 5

Yet another borrowed game puts itself in the way of clearing my backlog - but I'm certainly enjoying it. Like every other person on Earth, I played - and loved - Resident Evil 4 but have only a cursory knowledge of the earlier games. The good thing is that Resident Evil 5 seems to be fairly detached from the series' well known convoluted backstory.

It's pretty similar to RE4, but with a partner. And you're in Africa. Ha...I just noticed the outline of Africa on the cover art there. Anyway, it's a fun game so far - probably more fun playing with another person, but fun nonetheless. What's that? Is it scary? No. Not at all.