Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Up Next: Beyond Good and Evil. Again.

My third rate memory card took a dump all over my plans to finish this game the last time I tried. Well, thanks to a few trade ins, and a sweet local indie game shop, I got myself a Gamecube and for the first time in my life - a first party memory card. Hallelujah.

It's been almost three years since I tried to finish this game.

Let's do it!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Finished: Bioshock Infinite

This is one of the most finely crafted stories in all of video games. The symbolism, the twist, the way each new revelation changes everything you just experienced - it is an amazing achievement in the progression of video games as a story telling device.

Being terrible at shooters, I didn't particularly enjoy the gameplay - and really this game is just Bioshock 1 in a different setting - but it's been four days since I beat this thing and I'm still unraveling the details in my head.

You know how you felt after watching Momento or Inception? This is on par with those, except I would argue that Bioshock Infinite is an even richer, fully fleshed out experience.

Please buy this game. Vote with your wallet for more content like this - this is the direction the industry should be heading.

Thank you.
