Monday, June 3, 2013

Absolutely Cannot Finish Beyond Good & Evil

So I reached the point where my memory card failed last time. I played another hour or so, and absolutely could NOT get through it. I don't know if the story just aged badly or the gameplay wasn't there, but I just couldn't muster the power to push through to the end.

I decided to break a big personal rule and just watch the ending on Youtube. It was a ten minute clip, and I bailed out at minute 3. I just did not care at all what happened to these characters. And it's a shame - Beyond Good & Evil is a unique game in an interesting world with non-traditional characters - My bias for non-traditional, mold-breaking games should force me to love this game above all others, but no, sadly, that's not the case.

Off to the trade-in shop you go, little one.