Monday, February 7, 2011

Over Half Way - Kingdom Hearts 2

I was able to get a good few hours into KH2 this weekend, and I have to say that my impression of the game has flipped. I was kinda bored with the combat, but intrigued by the story - now its the opposite. Right around the half way mark, the difficulty goes through the roof. I actually had to start thinking strategically, adjusting my equipment, using healing spells and actually use my brain to play it - all of which is great.

The story on the other hand took a giant nose dive. Well, I wouldn't say that - the story finally picks up the main plot again around the same mid-point. Dealing with Sora's search for Kairi and Riku, the mysterious Organization XIII, Mickey shows his face a whole bunch and Maleficent - your main nemesis - starts causing all sorts of trouble. The problem is the delivery of these plot points. The cutscenes BEAT YOU OVER THE HEAD with the obvious. There is no room for you to do a little deductive reasoning.

Whoa, I think I just saw that scary dude from Organization XIII out of the corner of my eye
Goofy: "Gawrsh, do you think that was the fella from Organization XIII?"

It's just that spoonfeeding of the plot that is so infuriating. So many times I found myself screaming "Oh my God, I GET IT!"

And then I had to deal with this $#!T

Yup. And they MADE you do that before you could continue.

There's certainly enough to keep me playing through now that the combat is improving, and while the delivery of the story is awful, the actual plot is interesting enough. Hopefully take this out soon.

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