Monday, January 30, 2012

Almost Done...Skyward Sword

Since my last post, my love/hate relationship with this game has grown exponentially.

I went through two of the best dungeons in Zelda history, and had gone completely obsesso-tron in collecting heart pieces. Within a few hours I went from despising every fiber of this game to finally seeing why people were calling this the best Zelda ever. It's not. Let's be clear on that. But for a good ten hours, I was really, really enjoying it. 

Then I was hit with an escort mission. Not just any escort mission, but possibly the worst one ever made. Seriously. Ever. And it was surrounded by the most tedious fetch quest in the game so far.

I guess the following contains really minor spoilers - nothing story related, but if you want to go in fresh, please skip ahead...


Later on in the game, you are given access to another temple within the Volcano area. This temple is at the very top of the volcano. To get in, you have to drop a huge amount of water into this frog statue's mouth, and you need a huge basin of water to do it.

After you figure out exactly what you have to do, a robot will come and grab it for you. This is a robot that's been used before in other "go find this specific thing" missions, and he'll usually put the item down right where you need it. But in this case, you are forced to start at the base of the volcano and work your way back to the top while guarding this little guy.

THIS piece of SH** is the WORST robot EVER MADE!

Here's why it's an awful escort mission:

1) The robot is extremely weak. If he's hit two times by any of the dozens of archers scattered around, you have to restart.
2) He's slow. You can't run or he'll get lost. Then you have to go back and find him.
3) He complains. The entire time. If you get lost, he'll say "where did you go?! I'm lost!" When you find him he says "It's about time, slowpoke" If he sees monsters he says "What are gonna do about those monsters?"
4) He can't use any shortcuts. If you try to use one of the many airlifts around the level, he'll say "I can't use that! We'll have to go around!"

And then when you FINALLY get to where you're going, you're so pissed off you can't enjoy the temple.


On the upside, I just got to a point where the story went into high gear - really exciting, canon expanding stuff.

Nintendo recently released an official Zelda timeline, here's my timeline for my enjoyment of the game:

Bored -- Angry -- Bored -- Angry -- Excited -- In Love! -- Intrigued -- FURIOUS -- Exctied

Basically, this:

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