Thursday, March 24, 2011

Play Retro LCD Handheld Games for Free

Remember these awful things? There were literally thousands of these over-priced, unplayable poopies. I remember two of these games specifically.

$40 worth of crap

This one I remember my dad buying for me in an airport for $40. Even as a kid I knew it was way too expensive for what I was getting. But I was a hyperactive kid and if $40 was the cost of my in-flight silence, it was probably worth it.

Thwick ah Thweet

This one I got as a "brave boy" gift - let me explain. I had a lisp as a kid - you know that little muscle thing under your tongue? Mine was too thick and they had to "shave it". It was terrifying - two giant Novocaine needles under the tongue at age 8. For going through with it though, I was rewarded with this dual-screened wonder, out of which I actually got a lot of use.

During the two week healing process, my lisp was 10 times as bad. Halloween happened to fall 5 days after the surgery which forced me to churn out an awkward "Thwick ah Thweet" at each house. I got a lot more candy that year - probably because everyone thought I was retarded.

And now there's a website that lets you play all these classic, boring, frustrating experiences for free! You can relive your own boring, frustrating, Novocaine-induced memories over at


1 comment:

  1. "I got a lot more candy that year - probably because everyone thought I was retarded."

    Ha! Now that was funny.
